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© 2025 NGK BERYLCO. All rights reserved.
The NGK Berylco guidance and knowledge…
Our relationship with the customer does not end with the delivery of the order. Advice and support are also part of the daily routine of our engineers and commercial service and there is a wide range of potential applications where to apply our Berylco alloys.
"A better understanding of the customer leads to better satisfaction" could be the motto of our research and development (R&D) department. Launched in early 2008 and based in Couëron, this label R&D is experimenting with innovators potential customers, and is responsible for developing and preparing all new products industrialisation and commercialisation and to tighten the NGK Berylco France reactivity to any potential markets.
Faced to the constant increased competition and technological challenges, the R&D is the heart of our business strategy. Our R&D, in close collaboration with our quality services, commercial and production, will advice and offer our customers the best today solution and will jointly be able to ensure the development of any new products and tomorrow successful applications whatever your business is.
About NGK
Introduction |
History |
Activities |
Quality |
Environment |
R&D |
Inventory |
Satisfaction clients |
Management |
Certificates |
Management |
Recycling |
Strip |
Wrought |
Wire |
Chill Vents |
Safety Tools |
Beryllium |
Special products |
Brochures |
Products |
Properties |
Alloys |
Heat-Treatment |
Spring & Miniaturisation |
Formability |
Properties |
Alloys |
Products |
Heat-Treatment |
Plastic Industry |
Introduction |
Advantages |
Design |
Properties |
Products |
Alloys |
Products |
Information |
Markets |
Applications |
NGK Berylco Worldwide |
NGK Berylco Europe |
Where to find us ? |
Careers |
Contact |
Events |
News |
Links |